About us

The company has been registered under Companies Ordinance, 1984, back in 2004 for Storage, Filling and Marketing of LPG with a Storage and Filling Plant located at Minawar, Karakorum Highway, Gilgit. The Company has a storage capacity of over 122 Metric Ton (MT) with a Filling Capacity of 20 MT/Day. M/s Gitco Gas (Pvt) Ltd also owns ten(10) LPG Vehicles/Bowzers having a capacity of 270 MT.We have employed qualified staff having relevant experience in the particular to carry out daily operation at plant with prime consideration of safety of our staff as well as LPG plant operation, We have adopted safety policies that ensure protection to our customers, employees and the general public against any potential harm arising from our business.....Learn More

Our Mission

Mission of M/s Gitco Gas is to offer its customers the highest quality LPG and LPG services at their doorstep. M/s Gitco Gas focuses on providing personalized services by offering convenience and quick delivery to its clients. M/s Gitco Gas has the expertise to meet all its clients’ specialized requests and will always strive to use such expertise to meet client requests. In order to materialize the mission, M/s Gitco Gas has strong vendor relationships with the most service conscious vendors who are capable of meeting demand rapidly, minimizing the down time to ultimately use such services to meet customer demands.

Our Vision

We aim to become a leading LPG providing organization that will operates in the entire country. We also aim to inspire global excellence and leadership across the globe. The services rendered by M/s Gitco Gas can cover a project in its entirety from inception to a completed operational unit(s) in connection with LPG provision and services coupled with continuous improvement.

Our Goals

In a brief amount of time, the company has become a major competitor in LPG industry. Throughout the initial year the company was able to secure a significant market share and with current growth rate we are expecting to become the major gas solution provider in Pakistan. Our corporate strategy addresses the fundamentals that we must have in place to manage our risks and help us deliver to the best of our capacity. Our strategy include sustainable operations, protecting our staff, customers, consultants, the communities and the environment. High standards of governance coupled with strong and effective risk management combined with an engaged multi-disciplined diverse and entrepreneurial team to achieve a positive and lasting contribution where we operate and a significant valuable spin-off for our investors, also make part of our strategy.

Message From CEO

Mr. Abdul Aleem is the chief executive in the company having Primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations. At Gitco Gas Private Limited the chief executive officer serves as the public face of the company. He makes sure the best services to the customers with maximum efficiency and optimum resources. Our focus is putting science into customers enabling them to create and deliver unique solutions. The combination of performance improvement and seeing the company values being lived every day is enough.